Monday, August 6, 2007

Novolog Did You Decide to Do Steroids Before Entering My Body?

Last week was my first 6 workout week since probably college - I've been more of a 4 times a week guy up until my crazy idea to train for an Ironman. Since my lunchtime bolus didn't work as effectively as usual in the early part of the week I was hesitant to reduce my basal rate as early for the gym as I normally would. By Thursday my lunchtime bolus seemed to be working again but the insulin in my system must have done some HGH because it became way too sensitive!

From Thursday to Sunday I had 6 recorded blood sugars below 70, including a 48 after a run; Saturday was my scariest low yet, after a pasta and veal dinner my blood sugar was at 61 and I felt like no matter what I ate I couldn't increase my bs. Add one more low to the mix, by the time I got to my office this AM I was down to 58. Now maybe my Novolog is paying tribute to Barry Bonds historic 755th homer but really I'd like it to keep the anabolic roids on the shelf - I have no need for some superstrand of novolog to keep my blood sugar in check - I do a pretty good job of that with the way it normally works.

Perhaps from the extra exercise the insulin has become that much more effective but it's not as if I was inactive prior to this. Is this a sliding scale that I will constantly have to deal with - on weeks where I really have to bust my butt for training am I going to constantly battle lows and on weeks where I'm supposed to rest will I be battling highs? Am I going to have to come up with some equation that says if output for the week equals this then my basal and bolus rates should be that? Or maybe it's just time for a CGM although the $500 a month is a bit steep.


Scott K. Johnson said...

That is frustrating.

We know that the exercise is great for us, but it creates so many more variables to deal with. I think it scares many people off.

Maybe it's just too hard dealing with so many more new variables?

I think though, that given some more time to experiment, that you will figure out what you need to do to keep your D under acceptable control.

Keep us posted!

Anne Findlay said...

what you are experiencing is totally normal. Well, at least I have also experienced it. You might try playing with a basal rate profile for really active periods (maybe based on # hours of training per week) and another one for less active periods. I have been exercising at least 5 days per week since high school and there is a tremendous variability on my basal rates + correction factors + carb ratio depending on what & how much I'm doing (and at what intensity).

When I first started training for triathlons (and this was after running 6 days per week) I had to actually shut off my pump in the afternoon sometimes. This effect subsided somewhat as I continued training, but I still had to reduce my basals.

You should check out Sheri Colberg-Och's book, the Diabetic Athlete. It has some useful info. (

Kelsey said...

I've been there.

When I was running regularly, I'd experience LOTS of lows, especially on weeks where I ran more.

I wasn't pumping at the time, but what I'd do now is definitely create different basal profiles for intense workout periods, regular exercise, and little exercise. That should help a lot.

Good luck!