The day I've been waiting for has finally arrived - I received my Minimed Pump in the mail! The box arrived at 6 pm on Friday but since my company has the worst mail room in the history of offices, I didn't receive it until about noon Monday.
I could barely contain my excitement when our mail guy approached me with this box:
Never before has a cardboard box with a logo that is the bastard child of Cirque Du Soleil and Leondardi daVinci brought me so much joy.
Opening the box filled me with excitement and anticipation:
But it was still a tease as I had to dig through 5 lbs of popcorn and countless packages of reservoirs and infusion sets to find what I was truly searching for :
Which contained my brand new purple pancreas:
My excitement is tempered by the fact that I can't get into see my diabetic educator at the Berrie Center until the 28th. However, this will give me a chance to take the online "pump school" offered by minimed and read all the instruction manuals. Once I get used to the square wave bolus I may just have to break my no Chinatown in the summer rule to have the dim sum feast I've been craving.
Yay! :)
Will the pump do something to get rid of your sausage fingers? ;)
I'm psyched for you! And even more psyched that there is diiiiiiiim summmmm in the future!
Ps- love the Hobart chic color scheme!
Shhh - you can't disclose the reasons why I chose purple; that ruins the cliff hanger of my future posts!
Very exciting.
Please let us know how it goes, I'll be interested to hear what you think as a newbie pumper.
Hi, I just came across your blog for the first time. Congrats on your new pump! I'm impressed that you're starting pump therapy so soon (I was on shots for almost 14 years before getting my pump last year). Keep us posted on your progress!
P.S. Once you figure out what works for you on square wave, it makes life soooooo much better on those days of cravings.
Awesome! Congratulations! :0
Cool! I'm quite jealous of your purple pump. Mine is a Charcoal, which wasn't actually my first choice, but given this my 3rd upgrade in the last 5 years all courtesy of the UK NHS, I wasn't in much of a position to complain about colour!
Excited to hear about how your transition goes.
Congrat!! on the new pump. I am just glad it wasn't tampons like Carrie (sixuntilme)got. Good luck with it and keep us posted as to how it works.
I remember that feeling! It was only a little over a year ago for me. But you are right, it is like Christmas!!! But you could have had it happen like I did. I got the box & opened it & dug thru all the popcorn & boxes of infusion sets & reservoirs....only to find more infusion sets & reservoirs. :) My pump came the next day in a separate box. That was like opening a present and it not being what you wanted!
I enjoyed your blog. I have been a diabetic since I was 4, so it is different to see what you are having to deal with at 27. I do see many of the same things though. Like the fact that our family & friends are effected by diabetes too. I think it's easy to forget that sometimes.
Lmao @ your comment about the MiniMed logo.
I hope to be pumping later this summer so I look forward to reading how you're liking it and how everything goes. Congratulations!
Congrads- so you got the CGMS too?
so excited for you! i loved getting my pump ...ha ha technically i can't wait til my warranty runs out on this one just so i can get a new one in the mail ... ha ha jk :-D good luck!
Congrats on your pump!!
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