For the past week or so my blood sugar has shown no consistency and has had no discernable trends. My blood sugar has alternated between a high day and a low day each of the pat 7 days; I've never experienced something like this and have no clue what's going on. No matter how much data I collect or how actively I manage my blood sugar with insulin I can't get it under control.
Originally I had thought my 300 - 400 day on Sunday was due to all the salt and water I lost during my hellish 100 mile ride on Saturday. I figured that the intensity of that workout caused my body's metabolic rate to go totally out of whack. The previous week my blood sugars had been a bit funky but were only a little outside the realm of normal. Monday after my 15 mile run my blood sugars were fine throughout the day, they never crested above 210 and I was pretty happy with how my body reacted to insulin intakes.
Tuesday it was back to a day of highs, where I had to fight off 300s throughout the day. I was able to get in all my workouts on Tuesday including a pretty hard swim with a 10 x 100 hard effort but my blood sugar was still in the 300s for a few hours from 9pm to 12 am, no matter how much insulin I took in. Then yesterday my blood sugars returned to the normal range, I even had a few lows, including one particurally bad low around 12 pm.
Fast forward to 9pm last night - my blood sugars crested back into the 200s (maybe a basal rate, maybe too many carbs at dinner). I woke up with 2 low blood sugars below 60 last night and woke up with a blood sugar of 85 - seemed like it would be a day of steady blood sugars. At 9:30 am I had my regular breakfast of 1 bannana, a 1/2 cup of frozen berries and 6 oz of odawala superfood; a total of 45 grams of carbohydrates. My blood sugar seemed to be stable, until it spiked way up to 251 - I have the same breakfast just about everyday and I can't recall a time delayed spike like that at any previous time.
This every other day trend is driving me crazy and I can't figure it out. I'm nervous to play around with my basal rates because I seem to fluctuate between hi and low and don't want the lows to get too dangerous. I have my regularly scheduled appointment with my endo tomorrow so hopefully we can come up with a strategy to solve what's going on.
These kind of things drive me nuts too. You haven't changed much of anything, yet BOOM - your numbers go all out of whack. What gives? Diabetes makes no sense sometimes.
After 33 years taking insulin, I find no rhyme or reason to any of it. It seems to have a mind of its own, the frustration exacerbated by doctors and well-meaning family and friends who ask what you did wrong to cause these swings. I think it is a very imperfect science. We cannot factor everything in, but we still have to try. The thing is - we can't take responsibility for every fluctuation because sometimes there is no explanation besides that's just the way it is.
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